Civil-Defense Licensing


Civil Defense License
Saudi Civil Defense: Saudi Civil Defense was established in the middle of 1343 AH to protect the population and public and private property from the dangers of fire, disasters, wars and various accidents, relief for the afflicted and secure transportation and communications safety , workflow in public facilities and the protection of national sources of wealth in peacetime, war and emergency situations.

Therefore, the civil defense is necessary to ensure that all safety requirements and regulations are applied to all commercial and vital facilities and their readiness in order to save lives, money and property and to ensure that the periodic maintenance necessary for these devices is done to ensure their effectiveness.

Therefore, all establishments must issue a civil defense license as a certificate / document indicating the facility’s implementation of safety regulations and requirements.

Since the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is heading towards the digital transformation of all government services, the Civil Defense was one of the first to launch electronic services to facilitate and expedite the
issuance of safety licenses through the safety portal

We are always confident about our service as we are one of the companies which have a Civil Defence Certificate, this certificate proves that we are government certified company in Saudi Arabia. We offer the best quality service which we can with our experts and co-works who are also experienced in the installing of the requirements which we provide to customers. You can reach us directly by calling us, the number given on our website or even you can drop us a mail. So come to us today only we are happy to help you.


Civil Defense License Saudi Civil Defense: Saudi Civil Defense was established in the middle of 1343 AH to protect the population and public and

May 16, 2020


Civil Defense License   Saudi Civil Defense :  Reputation: Saudi Teacher Defense was established in mid-1343 e to protect the population and

May 13, 2020
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